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Tag: Southeast Regional Med Spa

Types Of Botox Injections

Botox injections are used to reduce wrinkles in the forehead, between the eyebrows, crow's feet, and around the mouth. It is a popular injectable that has been used to treat a variety of conditions for over 20 years. There are several types of botulinum neurotoxin medications available, each with its own specific benefits. Here is a look at the three most common types of botox injections:

Dysport: Dysport is a short-acting botulinum toxin type A that is used to reduce wrinkles and lines around the mouth, eyes, forehead, and chin. It is less effective than other types of botulinum toxin injections in reducing deep wrinkles or lines. It lasts for about four months before it needs to be repeated. For more information about botox injections you may visit Southeast Regional Med Spa

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Xeomin: Xeomin is a long-acting botulinum toxin type A that is used to reduce facial wrinkles and lines. It takes about two weeks for full results to appear after an injection with Xeomin, However, like Dysport, Xeomin may need to be repeated every four months if desired.

Botox Cosmetic: Botox Cosmetic (botulinum toxin type B) injections are less effective than other types of injections in treating deep wrinkles or lines but provide faster overall results. Botox Cosmetic injections last up to six months before they need to be repeated.