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Tag: elder law attorney Scottsdale

Exploring The Benefits Of An Elder Law Attorney

As people age, they often face a variety of legal issues that can be difficult to navigate without the assistance of a specialized attorney. An elder law attorney focuses on the legal needs of the elderly, as well as those of their families. An experienced elder law attorney can provide advice on a variety of issues, such as retirement planning, long-term care, estate planning, and Medicaid planning. 

One of the most important services provided by an elder law attorney is estate planning. This includes setting up a trust, creating a will, and creating powers of attorney. An experienced attorney can also help a client with issues related to retirement, such as Social Security and Medicare benefits. 

They can also provide advice on long-term care planning. This includes helping clients make decisions about their healthcare needs and ensuring that their wishes are respected, even when they are unable to make those decisions themselves. An attorney can also provide advice on how to pay for long-term care, such as nursing home care and home health care services. 

Finally, an elder law attorney can help clients with Medicaid planning. This includes helping clients understand the eligibility requirements for Medicaid and how to protect their assets while still qualifying for the program. An experienced attorney can also help clients apply for Medicaid and ensure that the application is complete and compliant with the program’s rules.