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Tag: double glazed window

Types of Glass Splashbacks

When it comes to making your home look its best, you can’t go wrong by adding some sleek glass splashbacks. Not only will these add a touch of luxury to your space, but they’re also incredibly practical – providing an attractive way to add extra storage without taking up too much valuable floor space.

So if you’re in the market for some new splashbacks, be sure to check out our tips below!

If you're looking to add a touch of luxury to your home, glass splashbacks at are a great way to do it. There are a variety of types and styles available, so you can find the perfect one for your home. 

Some popular types of glass splashbacks include:

-Pane Splashbacks: These are made out of many small pieces of glass that have been fused together. They have a rustic look and feel, and they're ideal for high-end homes. 

-Transparent Splashbacks: These are made from multiple sheets of transparent glass that have been laminated together. They give your home an eyecatching look, but they also allow sunlight and natural light to pass through them. 

-Mirror Splashbacks: These are made from two sheets of glass that have been attached at an angle. This creates the illusion of a mirror behind the furniture. 

-From The Floor Up Splashbacks: These are made from two pieces of tempered glass that have been fitted together like a puzzle. They can be customized to create any shape or design you desire, and they come in many different colors and styles.