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Tag: 360 Trademarks

What Are The Laws And Regulations Of Trademark Portfolio Management?

Trademark portfolio management is the process of managing a company's trademarks portfolio in order to protect and grow their value. A trademark portfolio can include any number of trademarks, including registered and unregistered trademarks, trade names, logos, and slogans. 

These management should be considered when companies want to protect their current trademark rights as well as create new opportunities for growth. If you want to know more about trademark portfolio management you can Click here.

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There are a few laws and regulations that govern trademark portfolio management. First, trademark owners must file a federal trademark application in order to register their mark with the Patent and Trademark Office. Once registered, the trademark owner can use the mark commercially without fear of infringing on another company's rights. 

Second, trademark owners must take reasonable steps to keep their marks active and avoid lapsing into "pending" status. Lapsed marks may no longer be protected by law and may be used by other companies without the owner's permission.

Finally, trademark owners must take measures to protect their marks from dilution or tarnishment. These measures may include filing oppositions or lawsuits if they believe another company is using their mark in a way that diminishes its value.

Overall, taking proper steps to manage a company's trademarks can help protect them from infringement and ensure that they maintain their value over time.