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What to Look for in a Robotic Pool Cleaner

When it comes to choosing the right robotic pool cleaner for your home, there are a few key things to look for.

Swimming pools can be a great place to relax and enjoy the summer weather, but they can also be a cesspool of bacteria if not maintained properly.

To avoid having to scrub the pool manually every day, consider investing in a robotic pool cleaner that you can buy from

Here are some of the key factors to consider:

1. Size and Weight

The first consideration is size and weight. Make sure the robot cleaner you choose is small enough to fit through your pool’s entrance and exit points, and light enough that you can handle it easily.

Some cleaners have wheels that allow them to move around easily on your pool deck or floor.

2. Cleaning Capacity

The next important factor is how much cleaning capacity the robot has. Typically, larger robots have more cleaning power than smaller robots, but they also tend to be heavier and harder to move around.

It’s important to find a robot cleaner that fits your needs without weighing you down too much.

3. Operating System and Navigation

A robot cleaner with an operating system (OS) that is compatible with your home’s existing electronics will make setup easier. Additionally, a good navigation system will help you direct the robot where it needs to go within your pool area, avoiding obstacles along the way.

4. Operating Temperature Range

Some pools require specific cleaning temperatures, so make sure the robot you select can operate in those conditions. Most robotic pool cleaners come with temperature range indicators so you know what temp range to use them in.