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The Importance Of Yeast Metabolites In Poultry

Yeast is essential in poultry production to promote a healthy gut environment. Yeast metabolites improve feed efficiency, decrease gas and ammonia emissions, and increase digestive performance.

Yeast is single-celled fungi that are used in the brewing and baking industries, as well as for other purposes. Yeast cells produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as they break down sugars. These by-products are known as yeast metabolites. Other yeast metabolites include acetaldehyde, glycerol, and succinic acid. 

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Poultry producers have long used yeast as a dietary supplement for their chickens. The benefits of yeast have been well-documented, and include improved growth, feed efficiency, and disease resistance. More recently, research has shown that yeast metabolites can also have a positive impact on poultry health. 

Yeast metabolites are small molecules that are produced during the fermentation process. These molecules can be beneficial to poultry in several ways. For example, they can help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, and they can also help modulate the immune system. Additionally, some yeast metabolites have antimicrobial properties, which can help protect against infection. 

There is still much to learn about the exact mechanisms by which yeast metabolites impact poultry health. However, the available evidence suggests that these molecules can play an important role in supporting optimal chicken health. As such, they should be included as part of any poultry diet.