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A Complete Guide to get a Service Dog Housing Letter

A service dog housing letter is necessary in order to have your service dog live with you in a residential setting. The letter will explain the needs of the service dog and how it benefits you and the community. It should also state that the dog is properly trained and has been evaluated by a professional trainer. To get the service dog housing letter you may pop over to this site.

If you are interested in getting a service dog to assist you, here are the steps:

1. In order to get started, you will need to submit an application online at This website is run by the service dog foundations and accepts applications from people all over the world. You will need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, address, and contact information. 

2. Next, you will need to provide a letter from your doctor or other medical professional verifying that you have a disability and that a service dog would be beneficial for you. The letter should also state what type of service dog you are looking for and what tasks the animal would be trained to perform. 

3. Finally, you will need to provide proof of insurance coverage for the service dog or dogs. This can be anything from medical bills to replacement costs for any property damage caused by the animal(s).