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What to Consider When Choosing Bedroom Cushions

Bedding can really lift a room and the right cushions can really make bedding look all the more welcoming and attractive. Cushions have a tendency to break up blocks of color and also make a bed look more sumptuous and inviting. This can really affect the overall feel of a room and really lift it. So, what should you consider when picking new cushions to complement bedding?

Area and Size:

The cushions you pick are dependent on the size of your bed, and as you may already know, there is a wide variation in the size of cushions available for a bed. Bed Comfort life seat cushion sizes generally vary between 40-60cm and are usually square in their shape. The choice should all be relevant to the size of the bed.

Small beds with large cushions will end up looking strange and the large cushions may be too dominant on the bed. Beds that are large with small cushions will have the opposite effect. For large beds, 5-6 medium size cushions or around half that of large cushions work wonders.

Style: The soft furnishings industry makes cushions in a variety of styles to ensure that they fit in with all types of bedding. You really don't want to overdo it here, which is why if you have decorative bedding simple cushions are ideal, or vice versa in the case of plain bedding. More detailed cushions can offer a lift for simple bedding.